"Old Dogs" and New Smart Home Tricks

Written by Dennis Natoli, Customer Experience Manager at Level Up Your Home and self proclaimed "Old Dog"
Ok I’m a Baby Boomer and I love Smart Home stuff! Most people think only young people, who are always on their cell phones, are the only ones who want and can use new technology. Am I different than most people my age? Not according to a new study by Houzz.
First we have the money to do renovations! One third of renovating homeowners on Houzz are between the ages of 55 and 64, with those 45-54 close behind at 26%. Just one in ten is between the ages of 25 and 34 (Millennials). The majority of renovating households have been in their home or plan to be in their home for quite some time.
So what systems are important to our older generation and where does Home Automation rank? Houzz found that among the top 10 system upgrades for home owners who renovated, Home Automation was #3! That’s right, ahead of Heating (#4), Cooling (#5) and Home Entertainment (#7).
So there you have it, now when I come home after treating my wife to the Early Bird Special, I have the doors unlock, my temperature is set to a comfortable level, and when I go to bed (at 8:00 o’clock) Alexa (Amazon Echo) turns off my lights for me! I don’t move as fast as my young “Millennial” son, but now I don’t have to!
Level Up Your Home offers free smart home phone consultations to baby boomers and millennials alike call us at 1-800-979-2791 or try our better than Geek Squad priced in home consultations for $79
As much s my kids love our Smart Home and the level of home automation in my home, I’m sure it benefits me the most. It’s easy for me to turn off all the lights with my voice, saves me from going round teh house at night turning of all the light switches.
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