What is a Smart Home? Podcast with The House Maven of DEmios Architects

Our CEO Jennifer Mallett (She/Her/Hers) is interviewed by Katharine White MacPhail, LEED AP (AKA the House Maven) and shares perspectives on smart homes and privacy, gateway smart home products, and how home technology has changed in the era of quarantine.
What is a smart home? Should you consider the role of technology when you are planning a renovation to your home? I think so! You don't even have to wait until you are renovating, join the growing movement today.
Jennifer Mallett is the CEO and founder of Level Up Your Home. Learn more about how they can improve your life at https://levelupyourhome.com
Do you need a bit of design help? Check out my new Ask an Architect design help-line for an hour of advice on zoom. www.askanarchitect.live
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Thanks to Ray Bernoff, the editor of the show. www.RayBernoff.com
Music at the beginning and end of the episode is Blueberry Festival Footrace by David Fisher and performed by Hanneke Cassel www.hannekecassel.com
Cover Art by Sam White www.samowhite.com
This podcast is a production of dEmios Architects. We've got a lot of exciting events coming up, including Reading with Architects (book discussion) Saturday Morning Coffee Chats, how to get going with your home renovation zoom classes and a monthly artist chat- learn more at www.demiosarchitects.com
Email questions for future episodes to thehousemaven@talkinghomerenovations.com
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