The Convergence of Smart Home professionals and the Homeowner

As a homeowner or business, who is best suited to drive your technology needs? In the past it might be your local home automation company or perhaps a big box retailer. Right now that could be your plumber, electrician, HVAC company, A/V company or a few others.
So, who is it? Who is in the best position?
It depends on the professional and where they are at in terms of embracing the home of NOW. There is a tremendous shift happening in the home services space. If you blink, you may miss it - it is moving fast. Most home service professionals are trying to keep abreast of the latest Smart Home products and technologies, but it is mostly a losing battle for many with the needs of day to day operations taking precedent.
Out emerges a new version of the home technology specialist category. Level Up Your Home is in the midst of helping shape this category, along with others.
Here are starter questions as a home owner you need to think about and ASK:
What do you use for control? How do you future proof your technology home investment? How do you align all of your products on the same platform without breaking the bank? Most importantly, how do you protect all your data and information from hackers, thieves and “big brother”? Is this possible now? Will it be possible as new technologies emerge?
If you are a consumer you need to look at online reviews from trusted places that are verified – and also, call a few different companies, ask questions and get a feel for what company is going to be the right fit for you today and in the long term.
If you are a professional in this space – HOW do you give your customers an experience they cannot wait to evangelize? In a world of bugs, wireless networks, compatibility obstacles, known and unknown issues how do you be THE person who is trusted? How do you ensure your technicians have all the right answers?
And the big one: How do you and your team deliver on the long awaited promise of the connected home?
With each product and piece of technology there is a challenge.
If you are a company, retailer or soon to be entrepreneur working on bringing Smart Homes into customers homes. Experience is the answer. Getting in there into the unknown, rolling up your sleeves and taking a dive in. Then step back, take a look at the big picture and really see WHAT features are most helpful, which brands are going to be around in five years. Aligning with other Smart Home professionals who understand technology and can share what is working and what isn’t. There is plenty of upside for all good companies to exist. We are no longer islands as home service professionals when it comes to technology.
In our company we are constantly sharing which new products and brands are going to help (or not help) deliver the promise of the connected home. We love to connect with new companies, professionals and customers who want to learn and help bring homes into the future of now together.
Stay Smart,
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